5 Tips to Optimize Your Mental Health During the Holidays
Learn how to manage holiday stress, get better rest, and improve your lifestyle with five helpful tips you can start using today.
As enjoyable as the holidays are, they always come with their fair share of stress. Between cooking, cleaning, decorating, and buying presents, it’s easy to get overwhelmed during the most wonderful time of the year.
The worries and hassles that come with the holiday season can often lead to:
- Anxiety
- Sadness
- Headaches
- Body aches
- Irritability
- Restlessness

Throw a worldwide pandemic into the mix, and keeping your cool during the holidays quickly becomes a seemingly impossible task.
But you don’t need holiday magic to manage holiday stress.
At BEMER, we believe mental health is just as important as physical health. That’s why we put together this list of five helpful tips you can use today to improve your mental health and wellbeing this holiday season.
1. Put Yourself First
“To take care of others, you have to take care of yourself.”
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
One way or another, you’ve probably heard advice about implementing self-care into your life. And for a good reason.
If you don’t make time for yourself and your needs, it becomes much easier to get overwhelmed by the demands of the holiday season.
During this time of year, not getting enough rest is a recipe for a mental health disaster. Make sure you’re getting the proper amount of rest, and stick to your exercise regimen as often as possible to offset all those extra holiday calories.
If you find the holiday season particularly challenging, journaling is an excellent way to improve your mental health and reduce stress.
You can also make time for your favorite hobby each day. If you need to, don’t be afraid to get up a little earlier than usual to give yourself some extra me-time. Your body and mind will thank you.
One of the best ways to reduce stress levels and get better sleep during the holidays is with the BEMER Pro-Set Go. Just two eight-minute sessions a day will melt away seasonal stress, leaving you relaxed and ready to tackle whatever holiday challenges come your way.
2. Get Organized
Holiday errands and commitments can pile up fast. Set aside some time to write out all your to-do’s as far into the future as you can, and update them whenever something new comes up.
If you don’t already have one, calendars are the secret weapon for reducing holiday stress. Using your to-do list, you can schedule a plan of attack to complete all of your holiday tasks in a timely fashion.
When it comes to holiday stressors, finances are arguably the most common culprit. To ensure there are no unwelcome financial surprises, create a holiday budget, and keep track of it over time.
The more organized you are, the more manageable holiday stress becomes, improving your mental health and wellbeing.
3. Moderation is Key
Other than quality time with the family, delicious food is what the holidays are all about. But too much of a good thing can hurt your physical and mental health.
Overeating – especially foods high in sugar, fat, and salt – can leave you feeling drowsy, tired and lead to unwanted weight gain. While it’s good to indulge in your favorite holiday staples, make a point to indulge in moderation.
Eating foods that improve your circulation is another way to manage your energy and stress levels during the holidays. Add these foods to your diet whenever you can to give yourself a boost in vitality:
- Fatty fish
- Berries
- Garlic
- Walnuts
- Grapes
- Spinach
- Citrus fruit
4. Know When to Say No
This tip is an extension of #1. Knowing when to say no is a powerful form of self-care.
When you overextend yourself by saying yes too often, you put your mental health on the backburner to please others. This one-way ticket to stress and disappointment affects not only your ability to get things done but also your overall health and wellbeing.
You only have so much energy in a day. Learning to say no helps protect that energy and ensures that you’re focusing it in the right places.
A good way to know when to say no is by looking at your fancy new calendar. If your schedule is already full, then you can confidently turn down any requests until it opens up again.
It’s also perfectly okay to say no because you don’t want to do something. This tip might seem like a no-brainer, but if you’re a hardcore people pleaser, sometimes it helps to get that permission from an outside source.
Protect your mental health and de-stress your life by saying no more often this holiday season.
5. Reduce Stress & Get Better Rest with BEMER*
When you feel tired or fatigued, it’s usually due to poor circulation. Your muscles need healthy, oxygenated blood to repair themselves and function properly.
When your cells are deprived of the nutrients they need, whether due to a lack of rest or constant stress, your health and wellbeing can suffer. You’re more likely to feel tired, lethargic, and irritable, and it drastically reduces your capacity to deal with everyday stressors.
With the BEMER Pro-Set GO, the holidays are nothing to stress about. BEMER’s patented PEMF technology uses targeted electromagnetic fields to stimulate circulation in healthy muscles throughout your body.
With just two eight-minute sessions a day, you can expect better rest & relaxation, reduced stress levels, and increased energy and vitality. When you manage stress better, you transform your mental health and wellbeing.

BEMER empowers you to take care of yourself.
Put your mental health in the front seat this holiday season with the BEMER Pro-Set GO, and set yourself up for a happy New Year.
*BEMER does not provide any medical advice or services. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used for any purpose other than as described in the user manual. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.