The SMART Path to Improved Health in 2021
Learn a science-backed method to sticking to your New Year’s resolutions and stacking your hard-earned health gains next year
2020 has been a blur and it’s hard to believe that 2021 is just a few short days away. If you are anything like us, you are already pumped to look towards the future and are starting to ruminate over your New Year’s resolutions.
Most Americans (on the order of 50%, if we are to trust informal surveys), state that improving your health ranks pretty high on the checklist of your most coveted goals.
This year, the subject of health looms particularly large in the eyes of many. It’s hardly a secret that 2020 has been a doozy of a year. People have been struggling to cope with stress and anxiety brought about by the pandemic and the uncertain economic environment.
The quarantine and the WFH (work-from-home) culture has brought about a sea of change in the way we go about our lives. There is no question that our lifestyle has become much more sedentary. Getting regular exercise has been no more than an afterthought or a major inconvenience, as gyms all around the country have shut down and stayed closed.
And even as we look ahead to the new year with optimism, experts warn us that it’s quite likely that many of the paradigm shifts (such as WFH) are here to stay for the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, taking care of our physical and mental health is becoming an even more urgent priority for most of us. And we KNOW that designing and executing a plan to improve your health can seem like a daunting challenge.
Fortunately, the wellness experts at BEMER are pleased to offer a terrific formula that is based on researched and science-backed psychological principles.
It will help you stick with your plans to improve your health — AND to ensure that the changes stick for the long-haul.

The SMART Formula Equals Executing on Your Health Goals…
We are thrilled to be able to share with you the SMART science-backed formula that will help you define a strategy to take better care of your health and execute on your plan.
As you determine your New Year’s resolutions, the SMART approach is to make sure that they are:
- Specific. Research shows that general, vague objectives such as “I’d like to work on getting healthier” don’t work. Instead, task yourself with a specific objective, for instance, “I will hit the gym for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week”.
- Measurable. You can improve on the specificity of your New Year’s resolutions by framing them in numerical terms. For example, “I’d like to lose a pound a week” vs “I want to lose weight” is a way to create accountability.
- Attainable. It’s good to challenge yourself but don’t set goals that you know you can’t meet. If you do, you are more likely to get discouraged and veer off the true path.
- Realistic. If you are just getting back to jogging after a year (or a decade) off, you just are not going to run a marathon in a month (and that’s OK). Setting unrealistic expectations is a sure shortcut to failure.
- Time-bound. Set a deadline but at the same time be sure to give yourself adequate time to get where you are going. It’s the turtle vs the hare kind of thing.
Let BEMER Be Your Companion
We here at BEMER stand firmly in your corner as you pursue your specific, measurable, realistic and attainable health goals.
Imagine, for instance, that your SMART resolution for 2021 is to complete a half-marathon by June. The BEMER Pro-Set GO is your perfect go-to companion. (We would argue that it’s the SMARTest investment you will ever make).
The BEMER Pro-Set GO*, which is registered as an FDA Class-2 Medical Device, can help you fulfill and exceed your New Year’s resolutions by:
- Stimulating your short- and long-twitch muscles that are used in running in order to facilitate muscle performance;
- Elevating your athletic performance to a new level by improving your circulation and nutrient exchange;
- Shortening your recovery cycle by triggering the key processes that will re-establish homeostasis within your body;
- Helping you achieve a state of greater relaxation and deeper sleep.
And we believe our technology can be applied to almost any New Year’s resolution involving fitness and wellness goals.

Make Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) with Bemer Pro-Set GO the Cornerstone of a Renewed Commitment to Your Health
PEMF Therapy is the perfect companion for the health-related resolutions that you make for the coming year.
BEMER can enhance your life in many ways:
- Muscle Conditioning
- Physical Fitness
- Endurance & Energy
- Vitality & Well-Being
- Performance
- Stress Reduction & Relaxation
The benefits of PEMF have been researched in depth and are well known to the scientific community. So this year, as you think about how you want to improve your overall quality of life, implement BEMER into your plans, apply the SMART formula, and watch how easily attainable your New Year’s resolution becomes.
Make 2021 your best and healthiest year ever yet with the SMART formula and the The BEMER Pro-Set GO!
*BEMER does not provide any medical advice or services. This device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It should not be used for any purpose other than as described in the user manual. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues.